Trump: The Master of Oral Storytelling
What 20th-century classical scholarship draws attention to is the characteristics of pre-literate oral cultures. What scholars like Marshall McLuhan and Walter Ong have suggested is that we might see modernity as an oral culture, or rather a secondary oral culture.… Read the rest
The use of Cultural Archetypes and Symbols in Branding
The iconic American agency Leo Burnett built on and added to the paradigm of red rhetoric. They too shared Kenneth Burke’s belief that the way we understand social reality is through the meaning we all attach to our environment. We … Read the rest
The Myth of Santa Claus – Gifts from the North
It may sound strange to hear but Santa Claus is a relatively recent happening. Though he would have been central to the Christmas of everyone who is alive today he was crafted in the last two centuries! There are connections … Read the rest
The Eras of Brand
The Era of Branding – From USPs to Cultural Associations
In the Rebirth of Brand, we are using the idea of Thunder and Lightning to structure the Journey. Last week we explored the Byron Sharp’s thunder that “Advertising is … Read the rest
Roman History – Branding the Republic
The formation of the Roman Republic is a great example of ‘the best advertising doesn’t try to persuade’. In the case of a culture this works through story and myth. Each culture has its compendium of foundational myths. They tell … Read the rest
A Professor says Interbrand are talking “pants”…
Interbrand, in evoking the 1961 first man on the moon and John F. Kennedy’s 1961 commitment to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade were making a statement, and with the association, they clearly saw … Read the rest
Out Trumping Trump – How to Counter a Dominant Narrative
What we have outlined in the previous two videos is the successful use of American Cultural Myths and Oral Storytelling techniques by Donald Trump. Such has been his mastery of these two important areas that his dominance of the national … Read the rest
Building an Effective Brand Strategy Without Using Persuasion
A vast empirical study unpicks conventional thinking
Of the ten thunders we are to explore, nine are from fields and disciplines outside marketing. This first thunder however, is a challenge from within. Byron Sharp’s How Brands Grow (OUP 2010) … Read the rest
Myths of Brexit
From a Marketer’s Perspective
How do we make decisions in situations of great complexity, multiple choices, conflicting points of view and considerable uncertainty? What we know from fast moving consumer goods studies and from … Read the rest
Recent Posts
Trump’s 5 Cultural Myths October 24,2023
Trump: The Master of Oral Storytelling October 24,2023
The use of Cultural Archetypes and Symbols in Branding October 24,2023